Suspension System

There's nothing more unsettling than driving to work with your car shaking. It can be hard on the nerves not knowing if it is a major problem (therefore expensive) or not. There are 6 common reasons outlined below that may pinpoint if faulty brakes, loose engine mounts, or something else is causing your car shaking. Early Warning Sign: Steering Wheel Your steering wheel is not just a...

In this 4-part blog series, we have explored how auto maintenance applies to the safety and performance of our vehicles. The suspension, wheel alignment, and auto tires comprise the three parts of the auto stability triangle. In this final installment, I will show how vital auto tire maintenance is for vehicle safety. I will explain tread depth, tire pressure, and tire balancing. Additionally, we will...

The suspension, tires, and wheel alignment are the three legs found in the auto stability triangle. In this blog, we will focus on suspension. Your vehicle’s suspension does several things: It improves the ride quality, supports the vehicle’s weight on the chassis, and keeps all the tires in contact with the ground. Keep reading to find out how shocks & struts, springs, and an anti-sway...

As car owners, we need to have a good grasp of basic auto maintenance. In addition, we should know how auto maintenance applies to the safety and performance of our vehicles. In this blog, I will discuss the auto stability triangle and how it affects different systems in your car. The suspension, tires, and wheel alignment are the three legs of the auto stability triangle....