Fuel Efficiency Tag

An annual wheel alignment is a routine maintenance task you should add to your calendar. The stresses of driving on uneven roads, hitting potholes, and parallel parking can easily misalign your wheels. How often have you winced after driving at speed over an unseen pothole or bumped into the curb while parking? All those minor incidences add up and can negatively affect the performance and...

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) sensors are now a standard feature in all modern vehicles. They provide an extra layer of safety and peace of mind on the road. By maintaining proper tire pressure, you not only stay safe but also enjoy benefits such as improved fuel efficiency and reduced environmental impact. This blog will explore the importance of TPMS sensors in ensuring your safety...

Your vehicle is a complex machine that relies on many electronic and mechanical systems and fluids. Coolant regulates temperature, inhibits rust, and lubricates the engine. Cooling system flushes and replacing worn-out hoses and gaskets can prevent coolant leaks, engine corrosion, and engine overheating. Therefore, every auto manufacturer recommends routine Cooling System Maintenance to avoid the common auto risks below.   7 Common Auto Risks Of Coolant Leaks 1)...